孤独是迷人的 一间自己的房间 发光的女性 外国文学作品 正版 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子书 mobi 在线

孤独是迷人的 一间自己的房间 发光的女性 外国文学作品 正版精美图片
》孤独是迷人的 一间自己的房间 发光的女性 外国文学作品 正版电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

孤独是迷人的 一间自己的房间 发光的女性 外国文学作品 正版书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787572225789
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2022-2
  • 页数:372
  • 价格:29.00
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
  • 豆瓣讨论:点击查看
  • 豆瓣目录:点击查看
  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-20 22:13:44


(磨铁经典/中英双语对照 先锋诗人沈浩波作万字长










0004 在这神奇的海上

0004 On this wondrous sea

0008 有一个词

0008 There is a word

0012 晨光比从前更温柔

0012 The morns are meeker than they were

0019 一片花萼,一枚花瓣,一根刺

0019 A sepal, petal, and a thorn

0021 我们输了,因为我们赢了

0021 We lose—because we win

0033 假如记忆就是遗忘

0033 If recollecting were forgetting

0035 没有人知道这朵小玫瑰

0035 Nobody knows this little Rose

0049 那样惨痛的损失我已经历两次

0049 I never lost as much but twice

0054 假如我死去

0054 If I should die

0067 从未成功过的人们

0067 Success is counted sweetest

0079 去天堂吧!

0079 Going to Heaven!

0099 新的脚走在我的花园里

0099 New feet within my garden go

0100 有一种科学,学者称其为

0100 A science—so the Savants say

0113 我们有一份黑夜需要忍耐

0113 Our share of night to bear

0139 灵魂,你会再次投掷吗?

0139 Soul, Wilt thou toss again?

0147 上帝保佑,他像战士一样离开

0147 Bless God, he went as soldiers

0153 尘土是唯一的秘密

0153 Dust is the only Secret

0182 假如我不能活着

0182 If I shouldn’t be alive

0185 “信仰”是一个精妙的发明

0185 “Faith” is a fine invention

0211 伊甸园,你慢慢地来!

0211 Come slowly—Eden!

0214 我品尝未经酿造的酒

0214 I taste a liquor never brewed

0215 什么是“天堂”

0215 What is—“Paradise”

0216 安然无恙地睡在玉室里

0216 Safe in their Alabaster Chambers

0217 救世主!我无人可以倾诉

0217 Savior! I’ve no one else to tell

0223 今天,我是来买微笑的

0223 I Came to buy a smile—today

0239 “天堂”,我难以触及!

0239 “Heaven”—is what I cannot reach!

0241 我喜欢痛苦的表情

0241 I like a look of Agony

0248 他们为何,把我关在天堂门外?

0248 Why—do they shut Me out of Heaven?

0249 暴风雨夜

0249 Wild Nights—Wild Nights!

0251 篱笆那边

0251 Over the fence

0254 “希望”长着翅膀

0254 “Hope” is the thing with feathers

0280 在我脑海中,一场葬礼正在进行

0280 I felt a Funeral, in my Brain

0288 我是无名之辈!你是谁?

0288 I’m Nobody! Who are you?

0292 假如你的勇气,将你否定

0292 If your Nerve, deny you

0301 我推想,大地是短暂的

0301 I reason, Earth is short

0302 像某种老式的奇迹

0302 Like Some Old fashioned Miracle

0303 灵魂选择她自己的侣伴

0303 The Soul selects her own Society

0305 绝望不同于

0305 The difference between Despair

0308 我送走两个日落

0308 I send Two Sunsets

0315 他摸索你的灵魂

0315 He fumbles at your Soul

0324 有些人守安息日去教堂

0324 Some keep the Sabbath going to Church

0327 在我的一只眼失明前

0327 Before I got my eye put out

0328 一只鸟,飞落在小路上

0328 A Bird came down the Walk

0333 小草无事可做

0333 The Grass so little has to do

0361 我能做到的,我情愿

0361 What I can do—I will

0363 我去向她致谢

0363 I went to thank Her

0374 我去过天堂

0374 I went to Heaven

0376 我当然祈祷过

0376 Of Course—I prayed

0378 我看不见路,天堂被缝起

0378 I saw no Way—The Heavens were stitched

0381 秘密一旦说出

0381 A Secret told

0384 没有酷刑能折磨我

0384 No Rack can torture me

0386 请回答我,七月

0386 Answer July

0387 最甜美的异端邪说认为

0387 The Sweetest Heresy received

0392 穿透黑暗的泥土,像经受教育

0392 Through the Dark Sod—as Education

0394 那是爱,不是我

0394 ’Twas Love—not me


0397 当钻石是一个传说

0397 When Diamonds are a Legend

0423 月有始末,年,是一个结

0423 The Months have ends—the Years—a knot

0425 早安,午夜

0425 Good Morning—Midnight

0429 月亮离海很远

0429 The Moon is distant from the Sea

0432 埋进坟墓的人们

0432 Do People moulder equally

0433 知道如何忘记!

0433 Knows how to forget!

0435 过于疯狂是至高的理性

0435 Much Madness is divinest Sense

0439 濒临饥亡的人把高度意义

0439 Undue Significance a starving man attaches

0440 我们习惯在离别时

0440 ’Tis customary as we part

0441 这是我写给世界的信

0441 This is my letter to the World

0442 上帝造了一棵小龙胆草

0442 God made a little Gentian

0444 活着令人感到羞耻

0444 It feels a shame to be Alive

0447 我能,多做些什么,为你

0447 Could—I do more—for Thee

0448 这就是诗人,是他

0448 This was a Poet—It is That

0449 我为美而死

0449 I died for Beauty

0450 梦,真好,醒来更好

0450 Dreams—are well—but Waking’s better

0454 诸神将它赐予我

0454 It was given to me by the Gods

0465 临死之前,我听见苍蝇的嗡叫

0465 I heard a Fly buzz—when I died

0467 我们不在坟边玩耍

0467 We do not play on Graves

0469 火红的,光芒,是黎明

0469 The Red—Blaze—is the Morning

0478 我没有时间去恨

0478 I had no time to Hate

0480 “我为什么爱”你,先生?

0480 “Why do I love” You, Sir?

0511 假如你在秋天到来

0511 If you were coming in the Fall

0516 美,不经雕琢,与生俱来

0516 Beauty—be not caused—It Is

0524 离别,去接受审判

0524 Departed—to the Judgment

0530 你无法扑灭一种火

0530 You cannot put a Fire out

0540 我手持自己的力量

0540 I took my Power in my Hand

0543 我畏惧寡言之人

0543 I fear a Man of frugal Speech

0544 殉道的诗人,从不言语

0544 The Martyr Poets—did not tell

0546 要弥合裂缝

0546 To fill a Gap

0547 我见过一只垂死的眼睛

0547 I’ve seen a Dying Eye

0549 我一直在爱

0549 That I did always love

0563 我无法证明岁月有脚

0563 I could not prove the Years had feet

0566 垂死的虎,因干渴而呻吟

0566 A Dying Tiger—moaned for Drink

0568 我们了解了爱的全部

0568 We learned the Whole of Love

0579 我忍饥挨饿,许多年来

0579 I had been hungry, all the Years

0608 害怕!我害怕谁?

0608 Afraid! Of whom am I afraid?

0609 我已离家多年

0609 I Years had been from Home

0627 我无法捕捉的色彩,最好

0627 The Tint I cannot take—is best

0631 我们曾在一个夏日结婚

0631 Ourselves were wed one summer—dear

0632 头脑,比天空更宽阔

0632 The Brain—is wider than the Sky

0637 孩子的信仰天真

0637 The Child’s faith is new

0650 疼痛,带着空白的要素

0650 Pain—has an Element of Blank

0657 我居于可能之中

0657 I dwell in Possibility

0663 他的声音又一次在门口响起

0663 Again—his voice is at the door

0668 我们看见的就是“自然”

0668 “Nature” is what we see

0672 未来,从不言语

0672 The Future—never spoke

0674 灵魂有访客

0674 The Soul that hath a Guest


0683 灵魂对于自己

0683 The Soul unto itself

0686 他们说“时间能够安抚”

0686 They say that “Time assuages”

0712 因为我无法驻足等候死神

0712 Because I could not stop for Death

0718 我本想到来后与她会面

0718 I meant to find Her when I came

0719 南风,拥有一个人

0719 A South Wind—has a pathos

0741 戏剧最鲜活的表现是寻常生活

0741 Drama’s Vitallest Expression is the Common Day

0754 我的生命,像一把上膛的枪

0754 My Life had stood—a Loaded Gun

0764 预感,是草地上长长的阴影

0764 Presentiment—is that long Shadow—on the Lawn

0781 等待一个小时,太久

0781 To wait an Hour—is long

0840 我无法买下,它不售卖

0840 I cannot buy it—’tis not sold

0846 夏天曾两度献给平原

0846 Twice had Summer her fair Verdure

0863 我们之间的距离

0863 That Distance was between Us

0883 诗人点亮的只有灯

0883 The Poets light but Lamps

0903 我把自己藏进花里

0903 I hide myself within my flower

0919 假如我能让一颗心不再破碎

0919 If I can stop one Heart from breaking

0952 人可以制造言论

0952 A Man may make a Remark

0997 崩溃绝非一瞬之举

0997 Crumbling is not an instant’s Act

1006 我们第一次知道他,身为死神

1006 The first We knew of Him was Death

1041 怀着,些许希望

1041 Somewhat, to hope for

1052 我从未见过荒野

1052 I never saw a Moor 1052

1072 神圣的头衔,属于我!

1072 Title divine—is mine!

1078 房间里的忙乱

1078 The Bustle in a House

1101 生命的表象与本质

1101 Between the form of Life and Life

1129 道出全部真理,但要婉转

1129 Tell all the Truth but tell it slant

1210 大海对小溪说“来吧”

1210 The Sea said “Come” to the Brook

1212 当一个词脱口而出

1212 A word is dead

1222 我们能猜的谜

1222 The Riddle we can guess

1233 假如我不曾见过太阳

1233 Had I not seen the Sun

1240 乞丐在门前乞讨名声

1240 The Beggar at the Door for Fame

1263 没有一艘战舰能像一本书

1263 There is no Frigate like a Book

1320 亲爱的三月,请进

1320 Dear March—Come in

1340 一只老鼠在这里投降

1340 A Rat surrendered here

1377 禁果有一种滋味

1377 Forbidden Fruit a flavor has

1379 池塘里的华宇

1379 His Mansion in the Pool

1455 舆论总是飞掠而过

1455 Opinion is a flitting thing

1508 你无法让记忆生长

1508 You cannot make Remembrance grow

1511 我的祖国无须更换衣服

1511 My country need not change her gown

1540 像悲伤无所察觉

1540 As imperceptibly as Grief

1544 谁不曾在凡间,找到天堂

1544 Who has not found the Heaven—below

1548 我们意外相逢

1548 Meeting by Accident

1549 我把战争存放在书里

1549 My Wars are laid away in Books

1551 那时,垂死之人

1551 Those—dying then

1587 他饮食珍贵的言辞

1587 He ate and drank the precious Words

1594 囚禁在天堂里!

1594 Immured in Heaven!

1599 虽然大海在沉睡

1599 Though the great Waters sleep

1657 伊甸园是那座旧式房屋

1657 Eden is that old—fashioned House

1659 名声是多变的食物

1659 Fame is a fickle food

1719 上帝真是一个好嫉妒的神

1719 God is indeed a jealous God

1720 我若知道第一杯是最后一杯

1720 Had I known that the first was the last

1725 我啜饮过生活的甘醇

1725 I took one Draught of Life

1732 在我死去之前,生命已终结过两次

1732 My life closed twice before its close

1755 制造一片草原

1755 To make a prairie

1760 去往天堂的距离

1760 Elysium is as far as to

1761 火车穿过墓园大门

1761 A train went through a burial gate

1763 名声是蜜蜂

1763 Fame is a bee

1774 过于幸福的时光总会烟消云散

1774 Too happy Time dissolves itself

1775 地球有许多曲调

1775 The earth has many keys

译后记 没有人比她更懂得怎样去活


艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886),美国传奇女诗人,自25岁弃绝社交,终身未婚。在孤独而繁琐的生活中写诗 30年,留下诗稿1700余首,生前却鲜有诗作发表。狄金森诗歌思 想深邃,极富独创性。她被视为20世纪现代主义诗歌的先驱之一,与惠特曼一起并称为美国最伟大的两位诗人。






“I’m Nobody! Who are you?

I’m Nobody! Who are you?

Are you—Nobody—Too?

Then there’s a pair of us?

Don’t tell! they’d advertise—you know!

How dreary—to be—Somebody!

How public—like a Frog—

To tell one’s name—the livelong June—

To an admiring Bog!”
















“I never saw a Moor 1052

I never saw a Moor—

I never saw the Sea—

Yet know I how the Heather looks

And what a Billow be.

I never spoke with God

Nor visited in Heaven—

Yet certain am I of the spot

As if the Checks were given—”









“Between the form of Life and Life

Between the form of Life and Life

The difference is as big

As Liquor at the Lip between

And Liquor in the Jug

The latter—excellent to keep—

But for ecstatic need

The corkless is superior—

I know for I have tried”





























  • 故事情节:5分

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  • 新颖与独特:6分

  • 情感共鸣:9分

  • 引人入胜:8分

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  • 沉浸感:6分

  • 事实准确性:6分

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